Complete the Pan American Highway By Edmund Despot from Trinidad and Tobago.
“A system so vast, so incomplete, and so incomprehensible it is not so much of a road as it is the idea of Pan- Americanism itself”, Jake Silverman 2006. I believe that the Pan American Highway should be completed. I think that the opening up of this Highway can ease the border problems emerging from Mexico and Central America. Children who are allowed to leave their homes in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala unaccompanied by parents are an indicator of extreme desperation by the inhabitants of these countries. There is no purpose, for these people to remain in their homeland or to migrate to the south of the Americas.
The Pan American Highway begins at Prudhoe Bay in Alaska and ends at the Darien gap in Panama. Fifty miles (50) of highway needs to be completed between Panama and Colombia. The missing roadway is about fifty miles long and it has to cross the Darien Gap. If this highway is completed a motor vehicle could be driven from Alaska to Ushuaia in Argentina. The Darien Gap is an eco sensitive area and I do believe that a very thorough environmental impact assessment has to be done to build this part of the road way. I understand that this Gap has an unrelenting terrain and the road would be quite costly to construct.
It is truly sad moments, for parents or guardians to make a decision to allow kids to leave the protection of their homes and travel hundreds of miles to another land without their supervision, hopefully to seek a better life. This is one of the breaking points of human survival. The end game of this attempted migration that is now on the borders of the United States is certainly unpredictable. I think the middle game or path for these troubled nations on the southern border of the United States can be charted. These young generations of Central Americans, their physic has been molded with a disturbing influence of violence, perversion, drugs and poverty. Human scavengers, who sense this odor of destitution in this fertile mass of humanity, soon sow their ill political doctrine of fear, guns, money, greed and power within this unsettled generation. So this is the middle game, civil unrest leading to anarchy and decades of war, directly in the backyard of the powerful north.
Three billion seven hundred million dollars (3,700,000000.00 US) to sought out the 60,000 unaccompanied minors that are awaiting determination in US immigration and to put some form of control that will make the southern US border as impervious as possible. Of course some of the immigrants would settle in the US, others returned to their countries of origin. Some immigration laws would be improved and a great separation barrier would be built on the southern border to keep out the poor and destitute. Some of the great countries of our planet that have separation barriers Cyprus, Egypt, Kuwait, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, United States and Israel. We need roads to stimulate trade and commerce, this would build countries with common borders.
Ask for another billion dollars to build the Pan American Highway, make an idea a reality. Construct the fifty miles of required roadway to cross the Darien Gap. Protect the indigenous inhabitants, protect the environment but let us do the best we can to connect the nine hundred million people that inhabit the Americas. Nature, built the Beringia land bridge between Siberia and Alaska for us but this crossing is long gone. Today all we need to do is construct fifty miles of road to have a transit system connecting North and South America. Having done this we would have completed nature’s destiny for humanity in the Americas.
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